Can you believe that it is almost winter break time? I am shocked by how quickly the time has gone by. I am also impressed with how much the children are learning and how they each have become so enthusiastic towards school. Just the other day, they were working on their personal narratives with incredible focus. I told them it was time for lunch and Nathaniel's response was, "No! I want to continue working!" In the morning, we have been working on our computation clinics to improve our basic math skill. In a very short period, many students have increased their multiplication skill immensely. Ask your child if their attitude towards math has changed.
It is such a great feeling watching the students take ownership of their learning and community. Speaking of community, we have been having very productive class council meetings. Every class has its set of issues, and we have been tackling them with kindness and compassion. Students who have been typically shy have been discovering their voice in the our community.
This Friday we are having a winter celebration. If anyone would like to contribute refreshments or snacks, please notify me via email or you can always call. Be expecting a conversation from your child about bringing something yummy to share with the class. During class council, we decided that it would be fun to have pizza too. If everyone brings $5.00 we can order pizza!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Stolen DSi
Ashlin, one of our 5th graders, brought her DSi game system to school yesterday. At the end of the day while she was cleaning up, it disappeared. If anyone has seen a pink DSi, please return the item to the classroom. Everyone makes mistakes, but it is how we make amends that enable us to grow and move forward.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Hello IA families! I hop that everyone had a wonderful time on their Thanksgiving breaks! Our school would like to continue the festive spirit by having a potluck on December 7th. Each student will be responsible for bringing a dish and having fun! In order to become a more sustainable school, each family is encouraged to bring their own reusable plates and utensils to limit the amount of trash we consume at school. To find out what type of dish to bring follow the schedule: If your last name ends in A-F please bring an entree, G-L a side dish, M-R a dessert, and S-Z please bring drinks. In addition to the potluck, student artwork and exhibitions will be presented.
In the class we have started a new History project called "The Domino Effect." Each student will be responsible for the following outcomes;
- Time-lines of early American History
- Choose one event in American History and create a skit to perform for the class.
- Each student will write a 2 page typed biography of a famous person from their specific event. This is going to be written from the point of view of someone who lived in that time.
- Each student will be responsible for contributing to a power point about their event
- After completing the Early History segment, students will find a current event that relates to the past. A compare and contrast 1 to 2 page typed essay will be required for this section.
- Finally a reflective presentation will be required to show how you can make history today!
Ø Your creativity will be your only limit. You can decide to volunteer to an organization, make a song, feed the homeless, impact your world however you decide that may be!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Short Week
This week has been a very busy week indeed. We have been finishing up our science posters/presentations on the human bodies. Nick, Chase, Isaac, and Abdullah taught the class about cells by making "edible" cell out of cookies and graham crackers. It was so much fun and tasty too. Our personal narratives are getting finished up as well. Please make sure that your child has access to a gmail account for language arts. It will save me a tremendous amount of time by saving work directly on to the account instead of a flash drive. It also ensures that work will not become lost since the work is saved to the internet. A gmail account will also allow you to sign up for Khan Academy, which is a web site that is great for reinforcing basic math skills. Another good site for basic math skills is Sumdog. I have noticed that some students are struggling with the current math activities because some knowledge of basic math facts are missing. These sites are a great way to get some extra practice with and they have fun games too.
For math this week we have been learning about factors, prime and composite numbers, arrays, and square numbers. We also figured out our class average heart beats per minute. It was 84 beats per minute! Don't forget that tomorrow is class picture day and that Veterans' day is this Friday, so no school.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Happy November
I hope everyone had a happy Halloween on Monday. Please remember that school policy is that candy and sugar drinks are to be left at home. Many children having been bringing candy and are spiking their blood sugar levels. It is best to leave candy at home because too much sugar is not healthy for developing children.
Don't forget that next week is picture day. I will be sending photo order forms home with the students today. Our class will have their pictures taken on Thursday, November 10th. Also, we are selling Rubio's this Friday for $4.00.
This week book reports for our independent reading books were due. Several students did not complete the assignments. We discussed at our class council what we could do to make sure students are accountable for completing their work. The class decided that there was in fact enough time given during class time to finish the assignment. They also noted that our class constitution states that we will have little or no homework. However, the class agreed that if work is not completed by the class decided due date, then the work needs to be taken home.
Today we are finishing up our science body posters and the factor game for math. Please take a moment and have your child share what they have learned in these subjects. Also, our personal autobiographical narratives are going to be completed next week. I would like every parent to sign their child up for a gmail account. The purpose is to be able to access Google documents to write their papers on. This will enable you and me the ability to access their written assignments and make notes and print their writing. It also eliminates the needs to have to save information to a USB drive, since it saves automatically on the internet. These accounts need to be managed by you because the owner of the account needs to be at least 16 years old. The gmail account will only be used for Google documents. To sign up click here.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Awesome Learners!
I would like to first of all thank all of the students and parents who came to the student led conferences last week, they went really well.
We have been doing so many great things so far this year. Our class started brainstorming outcomes to our science project, "How can we create a more sustainable school?" We decided that we would like to begin building water collection units to gather precious rain water. We looked at averages of rainfall in San Diego and the importance of saving water, especially with the rising costs of water. Also, we are gong to begin researching and reporting on what other schools have done to become more "green." Hopefully we will get some good ideas about what we can do at school and in our local communities to make our lives more sustainable. For language arts we are starting to draft our autobiographical narratives. We should be completing them by next week, so we will be having our publishing celebration soon. The book reports that we have been working on this month are going to be due on the 1st of November, as decided by our class.
By the way, this Friday, October 28th is our first day of clubs. If your child is in my Ultimate Frisbee club, please make sure that they wear the proper attire (sneakers, and shorts).
Monday, October 17, 2011
This week we are going to be having our student led conferences. These are not parent teacher conferences. At Innovations Academy, we believe that the most purposeful learning occurs when students take ownership for their own education. When ownership is taken, students feel empowered to make more important choices, and ultimately become more involved in their lifelong learning process. I will be sending home reminders to each parent tomorrow that will have your time slot in addition to a goal setting sheet that needs to be completed prior to the conference. This will be an opportunity to hear your child's voice about how they view their education. We can discuss what our day looks and feels like, what is going well, and what they might be able to improve upon. If you have not signed up for a conference please email me or call me 619-972-6032. I will be happy to set up a time slot with you. Also, don't forget that Wednesday through Friday all school days will be minimum days with a 12:00 dismissal.
Monday, October 3, 2011
October is Here! Drivers Needed!
I can't believe that it is October already! My how time seems to fly when we are having fun. October is a busy month and there are many important announcements. The first is that we are planning a field trip to the San Diego Zoo next Thursday, October 13. I will need to have at least 5 drivers to shuttle students to and from the zoo.All students will need to have a sack lunch. While we are at the zoo we will be learning about the food web cycle. Students will be looking for organisms in each of the categories; producers, consumers, decomposers. This activity is in conjunction with our current project "schoolyard ecology." This will fit into a larger project entitled Super cool School. This project will incorporate science standards into a book that the students will create. Our essential question will be "How can our school be a model for ecological/energy sustainability?"
Also, next week we will have no school on the 14th because of a staff development day. This month we are also having our student led conferences on the 19th through the 21st. These days will be half days for the school. Student-led conferences will be a time to reflect on the year so far and make goal for the rest of the year.
Also, next week we will have no school on the 14th because of a staff development day. This month we are also having our student led conferences on the 19th through the 21st. These days will be half days for the school. Student-led conferences will be a time to reflect on the year so far and make goal for the rest of the year.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
So much learning!
I am so pleased to announce that our classroom culture is well underway of being established. We have begun many of our routines that we will be doing throughout the year. One of our daily routines will be power writing. Students are given a daily writing assignment to be completed in 5 to 10 min. The object of this routine is to establish goals for fluency. During power writing, students are only concerned with words per minute. This enables the student to feel the joy of writing without the stress of making sure that the writing is perfect. Another language arts activity we are doing is learning about powerful sentences. Ask your child about different types of powerful sentences we have studied. These include; travelers, double the who, and triple-decker sentences.
One of our first projects has been to create a school map. The purpose of the map is to identify ecological zones of the school campus and create an emergency evacuation plan. We are learning math skills associated with this activity such as area, perimeter, and scale too.
Learning is so much more meaningful when we see the purpose behind what we are doing! Don't forget to include your child in meaningful learning opportunities like estimating a grocery bill or figuring out the tip at a restaurant. Also, not having mandatory homework assigned means that you can read to your child at night. I am currently reading the Fellowship of the Ring with my son. (I know the title should be underlined but I don't have that feature on my blog)!
Just a reminder, 3-day student paperwork is tomorrow.
One of our first projects has been to create a school map. The purpose of the map is to identify ecological zones of the school campus and create an emergency evacuation plan. We are learning math skills associated with this activity such as area, perimeter, and scale too.
Learning is so much more meaningful when we see the purpose behind what we are doing! Don't forget to include your child in meaningful learning opportunities like estimating a grocery bill or figuring out the tip at a restaurant. Also, not having mandatory homework assigned means that you can read to your child at night. I am currently reading the Fellowship of the Ring with my son. (I know the title should be underlined but I don't have that feature on my blog)!
Just a reminder, 3-day student paperwork is tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Family Night
It seems that we are off to a wonderful start this year. Don't forget that tomorrow is our family night, September 22nd, from 3:00 to 6:00. It will be an opportunity for you to come in and see our progress so far this year. Our class just finished ratifying our class constitution so please join us tomorrow night.
So far this year we have built a strong sense of class community. This is reflected in both social and academic areas of the classroom. Academically, we are learning the concepts of multiple drafts and the need to receive kind, helpful, and specific feedback from our classmates. Students are learning the value of taking pride in our work and not just finishing for the sake of getting it done. You can see this in the improvement in our many drafts and work presented in the classroom.
Tomorrow we are going to begin a mini-project, mapping the school grounds. This project will incorporate many math skills such as area, perimeter, and scale. The final product will be used for emergency procedures as well as a general map for visitors for the school. I can't wait to share more purposeful learning with you all tomorrow night.
So far this year we have built a strong sense of class community. This is reflected in both social and academic areas of the classroom. Academically, we are learning the concepts of multiple drafts and the need to receive kind, helpful, and specific feedback from our classmates. Students are learning the value of taking pride in our work and not just finishing for the sake of getting it done. You can see this in the improvement in our many drafts and work presented in the classroom.
Tomorrow we are going to begin a mini-project, mapping the school grounds. This project will incorporate many math skills such as area, perimeter, and scale. The final product will be used for emergency procedures as well as a general map for visitors for the school. I can't wait to share more purposeful learning with you all tomorrow night.
Monday, September 12, 2011
This is going to be a great year!
Hello IA families! I hope everyone had an unexpectedly fun 3-day weekend. Last week we had a wonderful time getting to know our classmates and playing a lot of team building activities. We also had our first professional speaker come in. Robin, Jordan's mom, came in to teach us about the wild world of culinary school. We learned that cooking is also; math, science, management, art, carving, sanitation, and even French. Afterwards we carved a 115 lbs. watermelon then added the fruit we brought. During the activity each student added their fruit and said something about themselves. We used the fruit basket as a metaphor of our class community. We we able to feed the entire school with this one fruit basket. Way to go class!
This week we will continue exploration with our class culture and more team building activities. Today we will draft our classroom constitution to establish our code of conduct in the classroom.
This week we will continue exploration with our class culture and more team building activities. Today we will draft our classroom constitution to establish our code of conduct in the classroom.
Friday, August 19, 2011
School Supply List Open House
Dear Families,
I am very excited to announce that Alexis Stoner is going to be the new 5th grade math/science teacher! I hope that everyone has a fun and productive summer. I can't wait to see all of the new faces as well as returning students of IA next year. This upcoming year is going to be fantastic!
Also, I have put together a list of supplies that will be helpful to our learning and growing this year. Please remember that supplies will be shared by the class community. Items marked with an "*" should be labeled with your child's name and will be kept separately. Since we are a free public charter school we may not require you to give us money. If you can afford however, we are asking for a donation that will go into a class fund for future supplies/field trips/books/etc. Please take donations to Donna in the front office.
Bill and Alexis
USB Flash Drive *
4 boxes of #2 pencils (not the cheapest)
Calculator *
2 packages of erasers
Choice Independent Reading Book *
Any used books or magazines to donate to the class
3 spiral notebooks *
Scissors with 5" point tip
3" durable three ring-binder *
200 page packs of loose leaf filler paper
Ruled index cards
Glue sticks
Modeling clay
Scotch tape
Drawing compass (high-quality)
2 boxes of Colored pencils
1 package of multicolored sharpie pens
reusable water bottle (stainless steel preferred)
Disinfectant wipes
Hand soap
Paper towels
I am very excited to announce that Alexis Stoner is going to be the new 5th grade math/science teacher! I hope that everyone has a fun and productive summer. I can't wait to see all of the new faces as well as returning students of IA next year. This upcoming year is going to be fantastic!
Also, I have put together a list of supplies that will be helpful to our learning and growing this year. Please remember that supplies will be shared by the class community. Items marked with an "*" should be labeled with your child's name and will be kept separately. Since we are a free public charter school we may not require you to give us money. If you can afford however, we are asking for a donation that will go into a class fund for future supplies/field trips/books/etc. Please take donations to Donna in the front office.
Bill and Alexis
USB Flash Drive *
4 boxes of #2 pencils (not the cheapest)
Calculator *
2 packages of erasers
Choice Independent Reading Book *
Any used books or magazines to donate to the class
3 spiral notebooks *
Scissors with 5" point tip
3" durable three ring-binder *
200 page packs of loose leaf filler paper
Ruled index cards
Glue sticks
Modeling clay
Scotch tape
Drawing compass (high-quality)
2 boxes of Colored pencils
1 package of multicolored sharpie pens
reusable water bottle (stainless steel preferred)
Disinfectant wipes
Hand soap
Paper towels
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Last month of School
I can't believe that we are almost to the end of the year! I am so pleased by all of the progress each of us had made this year. We just have a few announcements to make this week. Don't forget that we are heading off to the zoo tomorrow. Make sure that your child brings sunscreen, a water bottle, and a nutritious snack lunch. We will be leaving promptly when school begins after I take attendance.
Next Tuesday, June 7th, will be our final family night. It will be from 5:00-7:00 and there will be a pizza fundraiser. I hope to see all of you there.
Also, on the last week of school we will be having a field day on Monday, June 13th, at Allied Gardens Recreation center. We will be needing parent drivers to help shuttle students from school down the road to the recreation center.
Next Tuesday, June 7th, will be our final family night. It will be from 5:00-7:00 and there will be a pizza fundraiser. I hope to see all of you there.
Also, on the last week of school we will be having a field day on Monday, June 13th, at Allied Gardens Recreation center. We will be needing parent drivers to help shuttle students from school down the road to the recreation center.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Student Led Conferences
Well it is official, we are moving to Scripps Ranch. We are excited about having our own school site finally. Some teachers have been waiting for years now for this. We will be filling out intent to re-enroll during our students led conferences this week. If you have not signed up for a conference time, please come by after school to pick a time slot. Student led conferences are a time when students can showcase their successes and challenges they faced during the school year.
Also, this week we are going to have our Scholastic Book Fair. Students were given a form to complete to order books. It would be a great way for students to keep up with their reading during the summer months. I recommend that students keep reading this summer. There will be lots of books to choose from, so whatever style books your child is interested in, there will be a book for her/him.
In class we are still working on our American History project. The essential question is "How does early American history relate to me today?" The students have started to present the information in a variety of fun ways. I am especially excited about the play about Jamestown.
Don't forget that next month we are going to the zoo. We will need parent volunteers next week on Thursday June 2nd. I am hoping to get five parents total.
Also, this week we are going to have our Scholastic Book Fair. Students were given a form to complete to order books. It would be a great way for students to keep up with their reading during the summer months. I recommend that students keep reading this summer. There will be lots of books to choose from, so whatever style books your child is interested in, there will be a book for her/him.
In class we are still working on our American History project. The essential question is "How does early American history relate to me today?" The students have started to present the information in a variety of fun ways. I am especially excited about the play about Jamestown.
Don't forget that next month we are going to the zoo. We will need parent volunteers next week on Thursday June 2nd. I am hoping to get five parents total.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
I feel appreciated!
First of all, I would like to thank all of my parents and students for all the wonderful things that you have done around our school to make teacher appreciation week so special at Innovations Academy.
The staff and I are currently reading An Ethic of Excellence by Ron Berger. The point is to create beautiful work using peer critique and multiple drafts. We have been applying what we have learned so far. Today we critiqued a persuasive essay by James. The class came together to help improve the meaning and functionality of the piece. His essay entitled Lunch at the Park, is very convincing work.
We have recently been reading about early American History. Our essential question for this project is, how does early American History relate to me today? We have been discussing different possibilities for final out comes. Some outcomes included were power point time lines, plays of specific events, and a book complete with illustrations!
The staff and I are currently reading An Ethic of Excellence by Ron Berger. The point is to create beautiful work using peer critique and multiple drafts. We have been applying what we have learned so far. Today we critiqued a persuasive essay by James. The class came together to help improve the meaning and functionality of the piece. His essay entitled Lunch at the Park, is very convincing work.
We have recently been reading about early American History. Our essential question for this project is, how does early American History relate to me today? We have been discussing different possibilities for final out comes. Some outcomes included were power point time lines, plays of specific events, and a book complete with illustrations!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Star Testing is here!
I wanted to send out the announcement that tomorrow, April 21, we will begin the state issued STAR testing. I would like to add that although state testing is used as a benchmark assessment to evaluate schools, it is not the end all and be all of education. Many aspects of education and particularly our social-emotional philosophy are not reflected in these tests. These tests will focus on language arts, math, and science concepts.
In order to do well on these tests, it is important that every student gets plenty of rest the night before, eats a well balanced breakfast, and arrives to school on time. During the last couple of weeks we have been going over test taking tips and strategies to give the students confidence and insight into these test. Many students have expressed concern about the potential outcome of these tests. These tests are really more geared evaluating the school rather than the individual students. Encourage your child to do well, but try not to stress too much about the tests. Remember no test can tell you what you already know about your child!
In order to do well on these tests, it is important that every student gets plenty of rest the night before, eats a well balanced breakfast, and arrives to school on time. During the last couple of weeks we have been going over test taking tips and strategies to give the students confidence and insight into these test. Many students have expressed concern about the potential outcome of these tests. These tests are really more geared evaluating the school rather than the individual students. Encourage your child to do well, but try not to stress too much about the tests. Remember no test can tell you what you already know about your child!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Back From Break
I hope that everyone had a fun and relaxing week off. I was looking at the calendar and I realized that we only have about two months left of school! I can't believe that the school year is coming to a close so soon.
Next week is an important time because we are going to start the state STAR testing. Our students will begin testing on April 26Th. Make sure that your child get plenty of rest the night before testing. Also, please be sure to provide your child with a nutritious breakfast and lunch. Remember to bring a water bottle and drink plenty of water. We have been working on test taking strategies during class this week to minimize any test anxiety the students might feel.
We are currently finishing up our "What's the Matter?" projects. I extended the due date per request of the class to next Monday, the 18th. I will not be accepting projects past that date.
We have also begun our new writing assignment. We are each picking an issuse at school and writing a persuasive essay to our school board. Ask your student what are the pros and cons of their issue.
We have started another math project called "Shape-up." Students will be exploring geometry concepts, building, and teaching concepts to the third graders.
In social studies we are going to be reading "The cartoon History of the United States." After reading, we are going to be forming groups and acting it out.
I am really excited about how far we have come in our ability to create quality work. Thank you for all of your support.
Next week is an important time because we are going to start the state STAR testing. Our students will begin testing on April 26Th. Make sure that your child get plenty of rest the night before testing. Also, please be sure to provide your child with a nutritious breakfast and lunch. Remember to bring a water bottle and drink plenty of water. We have been working on test taking strategies during class this week to minimize any test anxiety the students might feel.
We are currently finishing up our "What's the Matter?" projects. I extended the due date per request of the class to next Monday, the 18th. I will not be accepting projects past that date.
We have also begun our new writing assignment. We are each picking an issuse at school and writing a persuasive essay to our school board. Ask your student what are the pros and cons of their issue.
We have started another math project called "Shape-up." Students will be exploring geometry concepts, building, and teaching concepts to the third graders.
In social studies we are going to be reading "The cartoon History of the United States." After reading, we are going to be forming groups and acting it out.
I am really excited about how far we have come in our ability to create quality work. Thank you for all of your support.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Spring Break
Wow, I can't believe that the month of March has come to a close! There are just a few quick announcements to make this time around. First of all, there will be no school Friday, April 1st. This is going to be a staff development day for us. School will resume April 11th, after spring break. Also,tonight is going to be our family night at Innovations, we will be discussing some changes that will occur next year. It will begin at 5:30 and run until about 7:30. If I don't see you tonight, I wish you all a happy spring break. Have fun!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Marching Along
I would like to thank all of our volunteers who came to Biz Town to help out running the businesses. Without you help, there is no way we would have been able to run all the shops as efficiently.
Our class has just finished publishing our writers' workshop. Most of the students have shared their final drafts with me on Google Documents. Since there is no printer in our room, it is necessary to have the student work on Google Documents so I can print up their stories in the other building. It is also fun to log on with your child at home and look at the stories your children are working on. We are now making the creation of a Gmail account mandatory. Each year at Innovations, students will be accessing their accounts to write papers and create power point presentations. The accounts will be monitored for safety. If you are opposed to creating a Gmail account, please email or speak directly with our director.
Now that Biz Town is completed, we are going to be finishing up with our What's the Matter? project. It had to be put on the back burner for the last few weeks.
In math we begun a new project called "Shape up!" We will be studying aspects of geometry and teaching these concepts to the third grade. An extension to the project will be to ether take photos or bring in magazines of different geometric shapes that they find outside of school.
On a side note, I know that many students like to play computers games on the Internet. I recently came across a website called whyville. It has educational games and at the same time teaches children about Internet safety. Have fun!
Our class has just finished publishing our writers' workshop. Most of the students have shared their final drafts with me on Google Documents. Since there is no printer in our room, it is necessary to have the student work on Google Documents so I can print up their stories in the other building. It is also fun to log on with your child at home and look at the stories your children are working on. We are now making the creation of a Gmail account mandatory. Each year at Innovations, students will be accessing their accounts to write papers and create power point presentations. The accounts will be monitored for safety. If you are opposed to creating a Gmail account, please email or speak directly with our director.
Now that Biz Town is completed, we are going to be finishing up with our What's the Matter? project. It had to be put on the back burner for the last few weeks.
In math we begun a new project called "Shape up!" We will be studying aspects of geometry and teaching these concepts to the third grade. An extension to the project will be to ether take photos or bring in magazines of different geometric shapes that they find outside of school.
On a side note, I know that many students like to play computers games on the Internet. I recently came across a website called whyville. It has educational games and at the same time teaches children about Internet safety. Have fun!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Busy Biz Town
This week and next are going to be very busy times. Right now we are finishing up preparing for Biz Town. All of the students are currently in their assigned business groups. We are having fun making advertisements, setting prices, paying taxes, and figuring out the cost of doing business. Make sure that you send 20 dollars to school to cover the cost of Biz Town. If you are unable to pay please come and speak with me. Next Thursday we will be walking over to the Biz Town at 9:00, so be sure to arrive early that day 8:30-8:45. Parent volunteers need to arrive at the JA Biz Town facility at 8:00. You can drop off your student that day at before care for no extra charge. The Biz town facility is located at 4756 Mission Gorge Place, SD
92120. Thank you for all of your help, opportunities like these would not be possible without your support.
92120. Thank you for all of your help, opportunities like these would not be possible without your support.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Urgent Update!
For three years now we have been searching for the perfect home for Innovations Academy. Moving year after year has been difficult on both staff and families alike. The time has come for the district to provide an adequate school facility. Tomorrow night, we will be speaking out at the San Diego Unified School Board meeting on this issue. We need as many families and students to come out and show support. This is perhaps the most important event that you could attend this year. We cannot afford to continue to pay high rent for office spaces any more! Please come tomorrow night (Tuesday the 1st), at 5:00 to 4100 Normal street, San Diego, CA 92103. Your presence there will influence the decision. Today the students were busy making signs, so we need them to come and hold them up for all to see their needs.
Also, if you signed up to interview students for Biz Town, we are going to be conducting them starting tomorrow. There is no set time to do this. Whenever you can come would be great. Just remember that we break for lunch at 11:30. It would be great if each volunteer for 5-7 students. Today we will be filling out our job applications.
Also, if you signed up to interview students for Biz Town, we are going to be conducting them starting tomorrow. There is no set time to do this. Whenever you can come would be great. Just remember that we break for lunch at 11:30. It would be great if each volunteer for 5-7 students. Today we will be filling out our job applications.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Biz town prep
Yesterday was so much fun going to the Microsoft store. I could not have done it without the help of all of the parent volunteers. When we got back everyone was so excited that we continued making more power point presentations. We talked about the possibility of presenting our POL's (presentations of learning) on power point. Students will be picking one project and one content area to present to the class. We decided that power point might be a fun way to do that.
Next week we are going to be interviewing for jobs at Biz Town. If you signed up at family night to interview students, you may do it anytime during school hours that are convienent for you. We begin interviews on March 1st through the 3rd. If all goes well, children should know what their jobs are the following week. I am currently going to be collecting money for Biz town. The cost is twenty dollars per child. Thanks for all of your continuing support!
Also, Elyssa has requested that parents call to RSVP for her birthday this Saturday. So far she has not gotten any responses back.
Next week we are going to be interviewing for jobs at Biz Town. If you signed up at family night to interview students, you may do it anytime during school hours that are convienent for you. We begin interviews on March 1st through the 3rd. If all goes well, children should know what their jobs are the following week. I am currently going to be collecting money for Biz town. The cost is twenty dollars per child. Thanks for all of your continuing support!
Also, Elyssa has requested that parents call to RSVP for her birthday this Saturday. So far she has not gotten any responses back.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Thanks for your support!
I would like to start off by saying thanks to all of the parents who came to family night last Thursday. We went over some important stuff which I will reiterate. Item 1, it looks as if we have enough volunteers for the field trip to the Microsoft store. Each child needs to have 5 dollars to pay for transportation. I am hoping to collect the money be this Friday. Next Tuesday, the 22nd, we will be leaving promptly at 9:00a.m. to walk to the trolley station, so be sure to be on time to school. We will then proceed to Fashion Valley mall and head over to the Microsoft store. Once there, we will learn about Power Point and Word programs. At 12:00 the class decided that they would like to eat at the food court before heading back to school. If you would like to send additional money to eat at one of the restaurants, that is fine. If not, please send your child to school with a sack lunch.
Also, I need your permission to set up a gmail account because the minimum age is 13. We only will be using the account to access Google documents. This will enable the students to save automatically online. It will also allow me to share their files directly with me. Don't forget that Biz town in coming up in March and we will be needing to collect 20 dollars to cover the cost. Let me know if you are unable to pay for any on the upcoming events. The children had a fundraiser for field trips and there is some money there that we could use.
Also, I need your permission to set up a gmail account because the minimum age is 13. We only will be using the account to access Google documents. This will enable the students to save automatically online. It will also allow me to share their files directly with me. Don't forget that Biz town in coming up in March and we will be needing to collect 20 dollars to cover the cost. Let me know if you are unable to pay for any on the upcoming events. The children had a fundraiser for field trips and there is some money there that we could use.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Important Updates
This week we have some important updates that I would like to discuss. We are currently through our first unit of Biz Town. The children have learned about the circular flow of economies, philanthropy, free-markets, and scarcity. We will need to have parent volunteers to help with making each company run smoothly. We also need volunteers to interview students for their jobs. Parents will go to Biz town on March 17th at 7:30 to go to the training for an 1 1/2 hours. I will present the information at this week's family night, this Thursday, from 5 to 6pm. I will also be having parents set up a GMail accounts in order to facilitate our writers' workshop. This will allow all of the student work to be viewed by me at any time on Google documents.
In science we are continuing to explore "What's the matter?" I am moving back the original due date of February 14tt in order to complete Biz town lessons on time for our field trip. Speaking of field trips, we are going to be headed out to the Microsoft store on February 22nd, to learn about how to use Microsoft word and PowerPoint. Permission slips will be going out this week so be looking for them.
Also, don't forget that there will be no school this Friday and Monday due to the observation of Presidents' day. We combined the holidays so we could have the four consecutive days in a row. Please also remember to send a reusable water container for your child to use during the day.
In science we are continuing to explore "What's the matter?" I am moving back the original due date of February 14tt in order to complete Biz town lessons on time for our field trip. Speaking of field trips, we are going to be headed out to the Microsoft store on February 22nd, to learn about how to use Microsoft word and PowerPoint. Permission slips will be going out this week so be looking for them.
Also, don't forget that there will be no school this Friday and Monday due to the observation of Presidents' day. We combined the holidays so we could have the four consecutive days in a row. Please also remember to send a reusable water container for your child to use during the day.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
End of January
Can you believe that we are already almost finished with the month of January? It is amazing how time flies. I have noticed that the overall level of maturity of the classroom has risen. The class is able to work for longer periods of sustained focused time. I am impressed with how students are independently taking on their learning. Students are even approaching me asking if they can stay after school to work on their writing. Students are peer editing each others' work right now and teaching each other to excel in their writing. Our writers' workshop due date will be on Feb 4th.
In our math this week we are going to be changing mixed numbers back into improper fractions. I am also pulling students aside who need additional practice with their basic multiplication facts(1-9). Fifth grade level math assumes that these basic facts are memorized so if your child is still struggling with these I recommend drilling with flash cards. They can be purchased inexpensively at many stores. I also am tutoring students on Thursday afternoon.
In science we are continuing to work on our "What's the matter?" projects. We are also beginning our preparations for Junior Achievement Biz Town. This will most likely push our matter project due date back to sometime in March. I am finding that there just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done all at once.
Also, be looking for report cards that will be handed out this Friday after school.
In our math this week we are going to be changing mixed numbers back into improper fractions. I am also pulling students aside who need additional practice with their basic multiplication facts(1-9). Fifth grade level math assumes that these basic facts are memorized so if your child is still struggling with these I recommend drilling with flash cards. They can be purchased inexpensively at many stores. I also am tutoring students on Thursday afternoon.
In science we are continuing to work on our "What's the matter?" projects. We are also beginning our preparations for Junior Achievement Biz Town. This will most likely push our matter project due date back to sometime in March. I am finding that there just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done all at once.
Also, be looking for report cards that will be handed out this Friday after school.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
January Update
This week has been a very exciting week for our class. We started working on our math instructional videos. I am going to upload them to the blog so be looking for them in the near future. In addition to reviewing basic math skills, we are continuing to work on simplifying fractions and changing improper fractions to mixed numbers.
Our personal narratives are in the peer editing phase and we will start working on the second drafts. New writing "norms" have been established in the classroom. Ask your child explain to you what they are.
In science today, we did an experiment testing electrical conductivity. The picture to the right is an experiment with density that we did last week. Next week we will choose our element to research for our what's the matter. Students are expressing interest in creating their own experiments. If you can think of any experiments that are low cost and fun let me know.
Our personal narratives are in the peer editing phase and we will start working on the second drafts. New writing "norms" have been established in the classroom. Ask your child explain to you what they are.
In science today, we did an experiment testing electrical conductivity. The picture to the right is an experiment with density that we did last week. Next week we will choose our element to research for our what's the matter. Students are expressing interest in creating their own experiments. If you can think of any experiments that are low cost and fun let me know.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
January 10-14th
This week I am excited to say that we have started our science project "What's the matter?" I have sent the project syllabus home with each student. Please look over the assignment and sign and return it so you can be aware of what we are doing for this particular project. Yesterday we started talking about what matter is comprised of and how to classify it. We completed yesterday's class with an experiment on density. We also reviewed the six stages of the scientific method. Ask your child if they can recall any of the steps. The final product will be in February. I am not setting an official due date because I want to see if the students will want to expand on any of the concepts covered. I will give you at least a couple of week heads up before it is due.
In math this week we are continuing to simplify fractions, average numbers, and divide. Tomorrow we are going to log on to a wonderful website called Khan academy and watch math instructional videos. Afterwards, each student will form a group and create their own instructional video of their own.
Our language arts program is doing excellent. The students have been very focused during our writing time. We have established new writing norms such as only talk when absolutely necessary. The class is really taking it on. I even had one student Landon exclaim, "Can I keep writing instead of going to lunch?"
Also, don't forget that next Monday we have no school due to the observation of Martin Luther King day. We have started doing brain gyms to get our bodies ready for learning. One of the key components to this program is drinking enough water so every child needs to have a water bottle that they remember to bring every day.
In math this week we are continuing to simplify fractions, average numbers, and divide. Tomorrow we are going to log on to a wonderful website called Khan academy and watch math instructional videos. Afterwards, each student will form a group and create their own instructional video of their own.
Our language arts program is doing excellent. The students have been very focused during our writing time. We have established new writing norms such as only talk when absolutely necessary. The class is really taking it on. I even had one student Landon exclaim, "Can I keep writing instead of going to lunch?"
Also, don't forget that next Monday we have no school due to the observation of Martin Luther King day. We have started doing brain gyms to get our bodies ready for learning. One of the key components to this program is drinking enough water so every child needs to have a water bottle that they remember to bring every day.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Welcome Back
I hope that all of you had a wonderful winter break. I want to especially thank everyone who contributed to the great gifts that I received for the holidays. This Monday we had a staff development day and one of our goals was to improve our communication with our blogs. I will try to be more specific in upcoming goals and assignments.
In language arts we are studying our first 10 Wordly Wise lessons and we will be having our midterm vocabulary test. All missing assignments need to be completed and students need to study previous lessons. For writers' workshop we have started a new program that I learned from a teacher at High Tech Middle School. We will be setting new "norms" and discussing the five stages of the writing process. Our publishing date for the next assignment will be in five weeks on February 4th.
For math this week we are working on simplifying fractions. We are also reviewing division and averaging numbers. Starting this year, every week students will be required to complete 2 math basic skills review sheets.
Since we were unable to present our explorer project before the break we will be doing that this week. Next week we will start our new science project "What's the Matter?" I will give more specific details next week when we begin the project. Each student will be given a syllabus that will need to be signed to keep everyone in the loop.
Also, we will change our lunch time to 11:30 on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. This will make the bay less crowded for our class. Mondays will remain the same time due to Camps.
In language arts we are studying our first 10 Wordly Wise lessons and we will be having our midterm vocabulary test. All missing assignments need to be completed and students need to study previous lessons. For writers' workshop we have started a new program that I learned from a teacher at High Tech Middle School. We will be setting new "norms" and discussing the five stages of the writing process. Our publishing date for the next assignment will be in five weeks on February 4th.
For math this week we are working on simplifying fractions. We are also reviewing division and averaging numbers. Starting this year, every week students will be required to complete 2 math basic skills review sheets.
Since we were unable to present our explorer project before the break we will be doing that this week. Next week we will start our new science project "What's the Matter?" I will give more specific details next week when we begin the project. Each student will be given a syllabus that will need to be signed to keep everyone in the loop.
Also, we will change our lunch time to 11:30 on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. This will make the bay less crowded for our class. Mondays will remain the same time due to Camps.
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