Sunday, December 13, 2009

Can you believe that we are nearing the end of another year at Innovations Academy? It has really gone by much to quickly. I would like to thank all of the parents, faculty, and students who attended the parent night at Barnes and Noble last week it was a huge success! I look forward to more fun events like this in the future.

We are finally coming to a close on our Revolutionary War projects. We just got through reading the Historical fiction novel My Brother Sam is Dead. The students were really excited to read the novel due to its suspense and relevancy to history. It had a very ironic twist in the end which led us to believe that war is both cruel and harsh. Tomorrow we will be writing a compare and contrast essay about the two main characters in the story.

In math we have begun exploring geometric figures. We have been designing different types of triangles. We are also studying different types of angles, parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines. We are looking at the types of angles as well. These include obtuse, acute, and right angles.

In language arts we are going to be starting to read a new book called The Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. It is a story about a child who runs away to a museum to solve a mystery. We are continuing to work on our grammar and wordly wise. If any work is not being completed in class when sufficient time is being given, I will start sending the work home to be completed.

Friday, December 4, 2009

December is here!

Remember that next week we are having our family night manditory meeting will be held at Barnes and Noble on December the 10th. Don't forget to do your holiday shopping there to support IA through a special fundraiser we have arranged. In addition to the meeting we will be having performances and artwork displayed from some of our classes. Also that night we will have another fundraiser at Applebee's located in the Hazard center.

In class we are continuing to work on our History projects. We are almost finished with our Historical fiction novel, My Brother Sam is Dead. We are just about to begin filming the Revolutionary war video.

For science we are using paper airplanes to study the scientific method. We are making the planes and researching plane aerodynamics. We are forming our hypothesis as to which type of plane will fly father. Next week we will send the planes off the balcony and record the distance that each one flew and record the results and draw conclusions.

For math we have been working with rounding decimals and multiplying decimals. We are continuing to have daily multiplication drills and just about everyone has got the basic facts down so far.

In language arts we are reviewing capitalization rules, wordly wise, and are working on our rough drafts for our personal narratives. We have also been working on similes and metaphores.