Monday, August 23, 2010

School Update

Dear Families,

I just wanted to update you on the coming school year and give you a few updates. First of all I am very excited to meet all of you at our open house on August 30th from 3 to 6 p.m. Our new location is at 6154 Mission Gorge, just off the 8 freeway. Remember that school starts on Sept 1.

I am attaching a school supply list to this along with a wish list of classroom supplies. Also if you don’t mind please put these supplies in a box for easy storage. If you need to contact me for any reason please feel free to contact me at my email I am also planning an informal get together/ potluck at the OB pier on September 11, from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m.

The following is a list of supplies each student must bring to class:

An appropriate leveled book of interest for independent reading time
For some suggestions paste this link in you browser-

1 Box of Copy Paper

Pencil box

Pencils #2 - 24

Eraser - (Pink Wedge) - 3

Pen (red) - 2

Highlighters - 5 assorted colors (pink, yellow, green, orange, blue)

Children's Markers - Crayola/12 Ct. box

Colored Pencils - Crayola/24 Ct. box

Glue Stick(s) - 4

12" Ruler - 1 with centimeter and millimeter markings

7" Scissors - 1

Package of Index cards (3x5) - 1 pack of 100

POST-IT® NOTES - 2"x 2" pack of 3

Pocket Folders - 6 any color or style

Single-subject Spiral Notebooks - 6 (wide-ruled if possible)

Loose leaf ruled 3 hole filler paper - 1 pack of 150 wide-ruled

Tabbed Dividers - 8-tab multi-color

USB Flash Drives

3-Ring Binder - 3-inch

Sheet Protectors for Portfolio


I am requiring that students bring a stainless steel water bottle for drinking. Also, talk to me about our partnership with a company that makes reusable lunch kits with stainless steel bottle included. It is one of my personal goals to lower our School ecological footprint.

The following is a wish list and items I would like donated to the classroom, if possible:

Chart Paper, Tissue Paper (all colors), Pencil Top Erasures, Tape, Dry-erase markers, Kleenex, Binder clips, Paper Towels, Clipboards, Construction Paper, Paint and Paint Brushes, Pastels, Glue Guns and Glue Sticks.

Thank you!
