Friday, August 19, 2011

School Supply List Open House

Dear Families,

I am very excited to announce that Alexis Stoner is going to be the new 5th grade math/science teacher!  I hope that everyone has a fun and productive summer.  I can't wait to see all of the new faces as well as returning students of IA next year. This upcoming year is going to be fantastic!
Also, I have put together a list of supplies that will be helpful to our learning and growing this year. Please remember that supplies will be shared by the class community. Items marked with an "*" should be labeled with your child's name and will be kept separately. Since we are a free public charter school we may not require you to give us money. If you can afford however, we are asking for a donation that will go into a class fund for future supplies/field trips/books/etc. Please take donations to Donna in the front office.
Bill and Alexis

USB Flash Drive *
4 boxes of #2 pencils (not the cheapest)
Calculator *
2 packages of erasers
Choice Independent Reading Book *
Any used books or magazines to donate to the class
3 spiral notebooks *
Scissors with 5" point tip
3" durable three ring-binder *
200 page packs of loose leaf filler paper
Ruled index cards
Glue sticks
Modeling clay
Scotch tape
Drawing compass (high-quality)
2 boxes of Colored pencils
1 package of multicolored sharpie pens
reusable water bottle (stainless steel preferred)

Disinfectant wipes
Hand soap
Paper towels