Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Last week until break!

I am happy to announce that the class has been working extra hard to complete all of the projects that were due before the break. We are working on a new work ethic in the classroom and it seems to be working. I have been really impressed with the quality of work that the students have presented. The books report presentations have been a real pleasure to hear. I was especially impressed with the wonderful artistic abilities of the class. Over the break I am requiring that each student choose a fifth grade leveled book for their next reading assignment. There is a great list of books that are appropriate at
http://www.greatschools.org/cgi-bin/showarticle/678. Copy and paste link
I like this web site because it has many different genres to choose from.

In math this week we are working on averages and when we return from break we will be exploring different approaches to learn math. These activities will be student generated activities. I will be giving sufficient time in class to complete weekly math drills. If the work is not completed in class it will be sent home.

This week we are going to be doing an art project that we will need recycled wide-mouthed jars and tissue paper. Also, if you have any old paint brushes that you don't mind donating, we could use them as well.

Additionally, I would like to thank everyone who came out to support the fundraiser at Fresh and Easy. It looks like we raised close to a thousand dollars! I hope that everyone has a happy and restful winter break.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Finishing projects

I can't believe that it is almost the end of a new year. We have accomplished so much this year. I would like to thank all of the parents who came out to our last family night to see all of the work that we have done. It helps the children with their quality of work when they know that it is going to be on display at parent night. Also, it was just plain fun having dinner together and seeing the children not want to leave at the end of the night. We discussed the possibility of moving into a school facility that night because we have been offered a prop. 39 school site. Thanks for filling out the survey and letting us know what your opinions were on the matter.
On the academic side of things, we are going to try a new writers' workshop program that I was introduced to at High Tech Middle School yesterday. It places an emphasis on student centered creativity and editing. My role will shift to more of a writing "coach." In math we are finished with our project and are currently working on averaging and dividing as well as review of basic skills. Our book reports will be evaluated this Friday and our Social Studies projects will be due next Thursday. Hope that you have a wonderful weekend.