Monday, May 23, 2011

Student Led Conferences

Well it is official, we are moving to Scripps Ranch. We are excited about having our own school site finally. Some teachers have been waiting for years now for this. We will be filling out intent to re-enroll during our students led conferences this week. If you have not signed up for a conference time, please come by after school to pick a time slot. Student led conferences are a time when students can showcase their successes and challenges they faced during the school year.
Also, this week we are going to have our Scholastic Book Fair. Students were given a form to complete to order books. It would be a great way for students to keep up with their reading during the summer months. I recommend that students keep reading this summer. There will be lots of books to choose from, so whatever style books your child is interested in, there will be a book for her/him.
In class we are still working on our American History project. The essential question is "How does early American history relate to me today?" The students have started to present the information in a variety of fun ways. I am especially excited about the play about Jamestown.
Don't forget that next month we are going to the zoo. We will need parent volunteers next week on Thursday June 2nd. I am hoping to get five parents total.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I feel appreciated!

First of all, I would like to thank all of my parents and students for all the wonderful things that you have done around our school to make teacher appreciation week so special at Innovations Academy.
The staff and I are currently reading An Ethic of Excellence by Ron Berger. The point is to create beautiful work using peer critique and multiple drafts. We have been applying what we have learned so far. Today we critiqued a persuasive essay by James. The class came together to help improve the meaning and functionality of the piece. His essay entitled Lunch at the Park, is very convincing work.
We have recently been reading about early American History. Our essential question for this project is, how does early American History relate to me today? We have been discussing different possibilities for final out comes. Some outcomes included were power point time lines, plays of specific events, and a book complete with illustrations!