Thursday, September 29, 2011

So much learning!

I am so pleased to announce that our classroom culture is well underway of being established. We have begun many of our routines that we will be doing throughout the year. One of our daily routines will be power writing. Students are given a daily writing assignment to be completed in 5 to 10 min. The object of this routine is to establish goals for fluency. During power writing, students are only concerned with words per minute. This enables the student to feel the joy of writing without the stress of making sure that the writing is perfect. Another language arts activity we are doing is learning about powerful sentences. Ask your child about different types of powerful sentences we have studied. These include; travelers, double the who, and triple-decker sentences.
One of our first projects has been to create a school map. The purpose of the map is to identify ecological zones of the school campus and create an emergency evacuation plan. We are learning math skills associated with this activity such as area, perimeter, and scale too.
Learning is so much more meaningful when we see the purpose behind what we are doing! Don't forget to include your child in meaningful learning opportunities like estimating a grocery bill or figuring out the tip at a restaurant. Also, not having mandatory homework assigned means that you can read to your child at night. I am currently reading the Fellowship of the Ring with my son. (I know the title should be underlined but I don't have that feature on my blog)!
Just a reminder, 3-day student paperwork is tomorrow.

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