Thursday, December 1, 2011


Hello IA families! I hop that everyone had a wonderful time on their Thanksgiving breaks! Our school would like to continue the festive spirit by having a potluck on December 7th. Each student will be responsible for bringing a dish and having fun! In order to become a more sustainable school, each family is encouraged to bring their own reusable plates and utensils to limit the amount of trash we consume at school. To find out what type of dish to bring follow the schedule: If your last name ends in A-F please bring an entree, G-L a side dish, M-R a dessert, and S-Z please bring drinks. In addition to the potluck, student artwork and exhibitions will be presented.
In the class we have started a new History project called "The Domino Effect." Each student will be responsible for the following outcomes;
  • Time-lines of early American History
  • Choose one event in American History and create a skit to perform for the class.
  • Each student will write a 2 page typed biography of a famous person from their specific event. This is going to be written from the point of view of someone who lived in that time.
  • Each student will be responsible for contributing to a power point about their event
  • After completing the Early History segment, students will find a current event that relates to the past. A compare and contrast 1 to 2 page typed essay will be required for this section.
  • Finally a reflective presentation will be required to show how you can make history today!

Ø Your creativity will be your only limit. You can decide to volunteer to an organization, make a song, feed the homeless, impact your world however you decide that may be!

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